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The innovation behind EBM’s eco-briquettes lies in the utilization of organic waste materials as a sustainable alternative fuel for various applications. The technology supporting this innovation is a unique process that converts recycled biomass residues, including sawdust, wood shavings, municipality organic waste and agricultural by-products, into high-calorific briquettes.



 Eco-briquettes turn waste materials into fuel. They are cheaper and cleaner than wood or fossil fuels.

High Calorific Value and Clean Burning

Eco-briquettes burn longer and cleaner than wood or fossil fuels. They have high heat, low moisture, and low ash. They save energy, lower pollution, and improve the environment

Reduced Emissions

Eco-briquettes are carbon-neutral and low-emission. They help the climate and the environment by being cleaner and greener than wood or fossil fuels

Waste Utilization and Conservation

EBM uses waste residues to make eco-briquettes. This saves trees, land, and the environment, and helps with sustainable and conservation goals.

Mitigation of Hard-to-Abate Industrial Emissions

Eco-briquettes serve as a viable substitute for coal in industrial settings, helping to reduce hard-to-abate emissions from coal usage. This makes it an attractive option for industries seeking to transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.

Versatile Applications

Eco-briquettes work for many uses, like boilers, stoves, heaters, furnaces, and ovens. They are flexible and can be widely used in different sectors, increasing their market potential